No rescue stands alone; any rescue effort, whether it’s a matter of broad community outreach or of saving an individual dog, depends on a wide network of organizations and individuals devoted to animal welfare. Here are some of our valued partnerships:
Local businesses offer us space for our Adoptathons.

Petsense is always glad to let us show off good dogs like Bernie. . .
Tractor Supply is where Bug met his new mom. Bug is shown here demonstrating the well-known pit bull tummy sprawl while his friend Melissa looks on.

We also team up with other rescues…
We have worked with Great Plains Mastiff Rescue for several years to save wonderful dogs like Bostwick, shown here first in rehab, then in her new home. . .

and Cruiser (on the right), who got new parents and a new best friend (Captain, on the left).

We work with the media…
Local magazine Charm features photos of available rescued pets in every issue:

Spanish-language newspaper La Lengua is always willing to help us spread the word about our programs:

We work with local veterinarians…
For years we couldn’t have accomplished what we did without the excellent, caring veterinarians and staff at Connolly Animal Clinic.

Now Dr. Koinm and her staff have taken over at the newly named Nacogdoches Animal Hospital and continue to provide us with great Veterinary Services.
Southside Animal Clinic assists with many services, including our spay/neuter program.

We work with the local government…
We work closely with the City of Nacogdoches Animal Services not just in pulling dogs from the shelter, but in a broad range of animal welfare issues, from animal cruelty to reviewing and revising the city’s animal ordinance.
We work with all creatures great and small…
When we need help for birds and other wildlife, we rely on Red Rock Animal Refuge. We teamed up to rehabilitate Rosey the Cardinal and sent him on his way to the life of a free bird.